Boilerplate History: Understanding Boilerplate Software and the Boilerplate Company Name

We’re often asked about the origins of the Boilerplate company name and the meaning of Boilerplate software, here’s a brief history lesson tying back to the steel industry. This article is intended to help explain the origins of the term going back to the early days of the steel industry right through to modern times. We’ll cover the boilerplate term’s origins, its evolution into legal documents and Boilerplate software, and finally its current namesake with the Boilerplate company.

Boilerplate Company Name and Steel Connection

The term "boilerplate" has its origins in the steel industry, where it refers to pre-made sheets of steel used in the construction of steam boilers. These boilerplate metal sheets were standardized and could be easily mass-produced, making them ideal for use in a variety of boiler designs. Over time, the term came to be used metaphorically to describe any text or code that is used repeatedly with little to no alteration, and in the context of the Boilerplate company, standardized requests for data and documents.

The Boilerplate company is located in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, an old manufacturing town outside Philadelphia. The railroad tracks that still run through our hometown used to carry coal from western Pennsylvania and steel manufactured in Pittsburgh (hence the NFL team named the Pittsburgh Steelers) to the factories in the Philadelphia area. There, they were turned into finished goods. At the time of World War II, Philadelphia was one of the largest and most important manufacturing cities in the entire world.

The steel and manufacturing industry has played a significant role in Pennsylvania's history, shaping its economy and culture. The state's rich deposits of iron ore, coal, and limestone made it an ideal location for the development of the industry. The industry began to thrive in the mid-19th century, with the construction of iron furnaces and rolling mills.

One of the key figures in the industry's development was Andrew Carnegie, who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in the late 19th century. Carnegie's company became one of the largest and most successful steel producers in the world.

By the early 20th century, Pennsylvania was home to numerous steel mills and manufacturing plants, employing thousands of workers and producing vast quantities of steel for use in construction, transportation, and other industries. The industry continued to grow throughout the 20th century, bolstered by the state's access to raw materials and its strategic location for transportation.

However, the industry began to decline in the latter half of the 20th century, as competition from foreign steel producers and changes in the global economy took their toll. Many steel mills and manufacturing plants in Pennsylvania closed or scaled back operations, leading to job losses and economic hardship in many communities.

Today, the steel and manufacturing industry in Pennsylvania has undergone significant changes, with a focus on modernization and diversification. While the industry no longer dominates the state's economy as it once did, it remains an important sector, providing jobs and economic opportunities for many Pennsylvanians.

Boilerplate Software and Legal Context

In the legal context, "boilerplate" refers to standardized, often routine, language used in contracts and other legal documents. Boilerplate clauses are provisions that are commonly used and have a standard format, and they are often included in contracts without much modification. These clauses cover standard terms and conditions that are typically found in similar contracts and are not specific to the particular transaction or parties involved. Examples of boilerplate clauses include indemnification clauses, choice of law clauses, and severability clauses.

In the context of software and documentation, boilerplate refers to standardized, pre-written content that can be easily reused in different documents or projects. This content typically includes common phrases, paragraphs, or entire sections that are frequently used in a particular type of document. Boilerplate content is often used to save time and ensure consistency in documents. Noticing a trend here?

This brings us to the Boilerplate Company. In the fast-paced world of modern business, time is of the essence. Efficiency and consistency are key factors that can make or break a company's success, especially in the early phases of working with a new staff member or client. One innovative software solution that has emerged to address these challenges is Boilerplate Document Intake Portal Software. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of boilerplate software, its impact on streamlining operations, and the role of Boilerplate Company in driving this transformative change.

Understanding Boilerplate Software

Boilerplate software is a specialized tool designed to simplify the creation, customization, and management of standardized data and document request templates. These templated checklists are pre-created and can be easily adapted to suit specific personas, roles, and steps in your process, eliminating the need to start from scratch each time. By providing a library of pre-designed templates, the Boilerplate software company accelerates data and document intakes, ensuring consistency, and reducing errors in the process.

Boilerplate software engineer woman looking at computer monitor

Enter the Boilerplate Company

The Boilerplate Company is a leading provider of boilerplate software solutions that cater to the diverse needs of businesses seeking to optimize their data and document intake processes. Think of organized portals to replace email attachments. With an intuitive interface and robust feature set, Boilerplate Company's software empowers users to create, edit, and share request templates seamlessly. By providing a centralized platform for managing data and document intakes, the Boilerplate Company helps organizations streamline operations, enhance productivity, and maintain consistency for compliance purposes.

Key Features of Boilerplate Software

  • Template Library: Create a vast library of pre-loaded PDF and digital form templates, including contracts, offer letters, handbooks, generic forms, and more.
  • Customization Options: Easily customize checklists to meet specific requirements, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.
  • Version Control: Maintain a record of template revisions, making it clear when a template was added and modified.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitate seamless collaboration among team members with features like real-time tracking of document requests and a common inbox to manage submissions.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrate with other tools and platforms to enhance workflow efficiency and connectivity.

Benefits of Boilerplate Software

Boilerplate software offers a range of benefits to businesses looking to streamline their document management processes:

  • Time Efficiency: By eliminating the need to create document request lists from scratch, Boilerplate software saves valuable time, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Consistency: Standardized request templates ensure consistency for completeness, compliance, and ease of starting for new hires or clients.
  • Error Reduction: With predefined request templates and tracking, the likelihood of errors or omissions is significantly reduced, improving accuracy and reliability.
  • Cost Savings: By streamlining document prep and intake processes, Boilerplate software helps reduce administrative costs.

Real-World Applications of Our Boilerplate Software

Our Boilerplate Software has a wide range of applications:

Client Intakes: Improved client onboarding offers huge benefits to businesses. First, it enhances the overall client experience by providing a smooth and efficient process from the initial contact to becoming a fully engaged customer. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Second, it can help businesses reduce churn and increase retention rates by ensuring that clients are onboarded effectively and start seeing value right away from their professional service provider. Additionally, improved client onboarding increases efficiency and productivity within the organization, as it streamlines processes and reduces manual tasks. Overall, investing in improved client onboarding positively impacts the bottom line and long-term success of your business.

New Hire Packages: A smooth new hire package onboarding process offers numerous advantages to organizations. Firstly, it sets a positive tone for the new employee's experience, fostering engagement and loyalty from the start. This can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. Secondly, an efficient onboarding process can help new hires become productive more quickly, as they are provided with the necessary information, tools, and training to excel in their roles. This can result in increased efficiency and effectiveness within the organization. Additionally, a smooth onboarding process can enhance the employer brand, making the organization more attractive to top talent and helping to create a positive reputation in the industry. Finally, using Boilerplate software to manage the new hire package ensures consistency and completeness. Overall, investing in a smooth new hire package onboarding process can lead to a more engaged, productive, and successful workforce.

Commercial Insurance Applications: Streamlining the collection of data and documents from commercial insurance prospects can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the insurance application process. By implementing user-friendly online forms and document upload portals, insurance agents, brokers, and other providers can simplify the data collection process for prospects, reducing the likelihood of errors and delays. Once the data is collected, it can be used to automatically populate insurance applications, saving time and ensuring accuracy. This not only improves the overall customer experience but also allows insurance providers to process applications more quickly and effectively, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and higher conversion rates. As the old saying goes, time is money.


Boilerplate software, exemplified by Boilerplate Company's innovative solutions, offers a powerful means to enhance efficiency and productivity in data and document request management. Just like the innovations that turned Pennsylvania into the steel manufacturing capital of the world, Boilerplate software makes routine business processes scalable and more efficient. By simplifying the creation, customization, and sharing of standardized request templates, Boilerplate software empowers organizations to streamline their operations and achieve greater consistency and accuracy when onboarding staff or clients. Embrace the power of Boilerplate Software and revolutionize your document management processes with the Boilerplate Company today!

Brian Magrann
April 30, 2024